Fact. So far,
We have always referred to eternity as an expanse of time that has no end, commencing from the judgment day, where everything on this earth will be destroyed by the almighty GOD. Then came the concept of hell and heaven, where we will spend our eternities. We start our existence from Adam.
The Negative Eternity
I am extremely tempted to think that if we can believe that our spirits are immortal and eternity is a concept wherein time has no end, and people after their death spend eternity in hell or heaven, we should also think about the Negative Eternity.We can compare eternity with the concept of infinity, both have no end and you can apply infinity to time.
What was there before Adam?, Before the big bang? Before the nebula, what was God doing before the earth was created? The expanse of time runs in reverse too. Like BC, am talking about BE,” Before Earth". Let’s call it the Negative Eternity.
2. Human existence on this planet earth is only as old as 50000 years, with only 250 generations from Adam (Authentic information). So in the light of Negative Eternity, People,Earth,religion or anything else on this earth only forms a tiny spec which grows smaller and smaller day by day as the negative eternity couples with positive eternity.
We are not a significant thing at all!
We can apply the concept of evolution to God also in the light of eternity.Eg. Laws of God. Moses: Eye for an Eye, Jesus : Forgiveness , Muhammed Sal.: Eye for an eye but if you forgive you will be seen high in the eyes of God.We can clearly see the evolution of God's laws to mankind.2. Moosa,Adaam,Ibrahim, Eesa (peace be upon them all) were not a Muslim, Islam was not announced to Mankind until Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)). We can see the change in his messages and laws and his instructions to man kind. So can we say that God also evolves along with time? So if he can evolve so much in the last 50000 years then what was he like some 5000000000 years ago? What was he ruling? What were his creations then?
Eternity- When the earth is destroyed by God and we all are brought back to life on Judgment day. Some of us go to hell and the others to heaven. We will spend our Eternities in our respective hell and heaven. Then, what will be God doing? Won’t he get bored because people in hell cant do mistakes and people in heaven wont do mistakes? Won’t the people in heaven get bored in life spending an eternity doing nothing? Just imagine!
Punishments are derived from three doctrines.
1.Punishment should transform the wrong doer into a better person.(juvenile prison)
2.Punishment should deter the wrong doer from committing the same mistake again and should also threaten others and forbid them from committing similar crimes.(imprisonment)
3. Punishment should scare the society to an extent that they wont even think of committing a crime.(death sentence)
So, In the light of religion and eternity,The Punishment of hell does not fall under any of these doctrines.Because, everyone is dead and all have been brought back to life so either you are in hell or heaven. And..
1. Hell and heaven are places where people cannot do mistakes or sins. SO, no need for reforms or corrections.
2. People in heaven cannot change and get back to heaven.So there is no point in them repenting for their earthly sins in hell or heaven, because it’s of no consequence.
3. People in heaven will see these people in hell getting punished for crimes which cannot be committed in heaven, so it’s neither a threat nor a message for the others.
4. So these punishments do not help the people of hell or heaven. So, it serves no purpose what so ever.
And if someone will ask God , why didn’t you create me as an angel who is constantly, all his life, praying you?, why did you create me as a human with all weaknesses, then tempt me and punish me? In the Eternity of Space and Time Our knowledge of God is trivial.In my opinion, The Scholars of theology, collectively, know only less than a grain of sand about God or faith or even the concept of God or religion.
What’s your thought?
Fact. So far,
We have always referred to eternity as an expanse of time that has no end, commencing from the judgment day, where everything on this earth will be destroyed by the almighty GOD. Then came the concept of hell and heaven, where we will spend our eternities. We start our existence from Adam.
The Negative Eternity
I am extremely tempted to think that if we can believe that our spirits are immortal and eternity is a concept wherein time has no end, and people after their death spend eternity in hell or heaven, we should also think about the Negative Eternity.We can compare eternity with the concept of infinity, both have no end and you can apply infinity to time.
What was there before Adam?, Before the big bang? Before the nebula, what was God doing before the earth was created? The expanse of time runs in reverse too. Like BC, am talking about BE,” Before Earth". Let’s call it the Negative Eternity.
2. Human existence on this planet earth is only as old as 50000 years, with only 250 generations from Adam (Authentic information). So in the light of Negative Eternity, People,Earth,religion or anything else on this earth only forms a tiny spec which grows smaller and smaller day by day as the negative eternity couples with positive eternity.
We are not a significant thing at all!
We can apply the concept of evolution to God also in the light of eternity.Eg. Laws of God. Moses: Eye for an Eye, Jesus : Forgiveness , Muhammed Sal.: Eye for an eye but if you forgive you will be seen high in the eyes of God.We can clearly see the evolution of God's laws to mankind.2. Moosa,Adaam,Ibrahim, Eesa (peace be upon them all) were not a Muslim, Islam was not announced to Mankind until Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)). We can see the change in his messages and laws and his instructions to man kind. So can we say that God also evolves along with time? So if he can evolve so much in the last 50000 years then what was he like some 5000000000 years ago? What was he ruling? What were his creations then?
Eternity- When the earth is destroyed by God and we all are brought back to life on Judgment day. Some of us go to hell and the others to heaven. We will spend our Eternities in our respective hell and heaven. Then, what will be God doing? Won’t he get bored because people in hell cant do mistakes and people in heaven wont do mistakes? Won’t the people in heaven get bored in life spending an eternity doing nothing? Just imagine!
Punishments are derived from three doctrines.
1.Punishment should transform the wrong doer into a better person.(juvenile prison)
2.Punishment should deter the wrong doer from committing the same mistake again and should also threaten others and forbid them from committing similar crimes.(imprisonment)
3. Punishment should scare the society to an extent that they wont even think of committing a crime.(death sentence)
So, In the light of religion and eternity,The Punishment of hell does not fall under any of these doctrines.Because, everyone is dead and all have been brought back to life so either you are in hell or heaven. And..
1. Hell and heaven are places where people cannot do mistakes or sins. SO, no need for reforms or corrections.
2. People in heaven cannot change and get back to heaven.So there is no point in them repenting for their earthly sins in hell or heaven, because it’s of no consequence.
3. People in heaven will see these people in hell getting punished for crimes which cannot be committed in heaven, so it’s neither a threat nor a message for the others.
4. So these punishments do not help the people of hell or heaven. So, it serves no purpose what so ever.
And if someone will ask God , why didn’t you create me as an angel who is constantly, all his life, praying you?, why did you create me as a human with all weaknesses, then tempt me and punish me? In the Eternity of Space and Time Our knowledge of God is trivial.In my opinion, The Scholars of theology, collectively, know only less than a grain of sand about God or faith or even the concept of God or religion.
What’s your thought?